This is the bucket you need to keep full. Overflowing if possible; with inspiration, encouragement, insight, influence, motivation, incentive and vision.
You never know when you might need to draw on this inspiration hand picked by you for you.
I’ve been asking people recently what inspires them. What gets them up in the morning. What lights them up and where they turn for some inspiration when their day is going seemingly sideways.
You will recognise this sideways idea. It’s when your plan goes out the window when the alarm is malfunctioning (I’m sure it didn’t ring) when the hot water runs out just in time for your shower. It’s when the car has a flat tyre, or the bus refuses to follow the scheduled timetable. It’s the day your green smoothie maker explodes all over your outfit, the technology you are using refuses to cooperate, the team is simply not working together, and the kids, your partner or your boss got out of the wrong side of the bed.
When all the “sideways” options are going sideways, or we are just feeling flat, we need to draw on our inspiration bucket.
So here’s what I’ve heard works for others:
I talk to friends and family who are supportive and on my side.
I go to my happy place (if only in my mind)
I listen to my favourite music.
I lose myself in a good book.
I enjoy a fun podcast.
I watch a TED talk.
I knit, sew, colour, do something creative.
I volunteer my time to a worthy cause.
I spend time in nature. Somewhere green.
I look for water and put my toes in the sand.
I attend to my pot plants.
I encourage others and share my experience.
Take this minute and think about how you fill up your Inspiration Bucket.
What will you add? What works for you?
Let’s go
Just a minute now.