Add a little Kindfulness

Perhaps you’ve tried mindfulness and found ease in being present. You might have a practice you follow which you find nurturing. Maybe you take a deep breath before speaking and are able to temper your words at just the right moment. Your purpose becomes clearer, and you have clarity around next steps. You may even have found a minute of zen just for you.

But, what about others?

When we focus on kindfulness, we smile at a stranger or say thank you with a sparkle in our eyes. Deliver an unexpected cup of tea or coffee to a busy co-worker. You might avidly listen, so someone close to you feels heard. Maybe offer to help without being asked or call to leave a message to say you are thinking of them.

Kindfulness expands on the moment-to-moment awareness of mindfulness and focusses on treating ourselves and others with compassion. 

Dr Ali Walker, a lecturer and research fellow at the University of New South Wales Centre for Social Impact, suggests kindfulness is “a result of wellness practices evolving from self-focus to others-focus”.

How could you spend a minute generously connected to others?

Would you hold a door open, offer your seat, compliment a colleague, make eye contact or share your food, time or story with another? Maybe you could offer your support and advice to someone in need? Being kind will activate the reward sensors of your brain. As a result, you will see your mood improve. You will feel happier and more positive as will others around you.

Pick your minute, get others-focussed and sprinkle simple acts of kindness.

Let’s go.

Just a minute now.


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